Polly Toynbee

Can't stand her articles over on The Guardian, not least this...

Corbyn is a 1983 man, a relic of the election that brought him to parliament when Labour was destroyed by its out-of-Nato, anti-EU, renationalise-everything suicide note.
 The problem with Toynbee's type in the Labour Party is their refusal to answer certain questions or rather, their determination to ignore history's unwritten underbelly: the scraps of black narrative which are out there, only told by those who don't have access to power, access to mass printing and access to capital. On the EU - what is Toynbee to say to the dictatorial TRIOKA, and its attack upon Greece? On NATO - what is Toynbee to say of the United States, like a colossal parasite, staffing its armoury with soldiers from across the world for the purpose of creating a living in Iraq? And renationalisation - what is Toynbee to say of the railways, the universities, the NHS?


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