faces turned to show a side
crawls out beneath the turning wheel
eye-wide mad, laughter framed
secrets thrown beneath the bed
time frozen hands curled in
statements written and spoken clear
hands meet and weave and hold
and turning cogs run out
to black monstrous machine
to crazed words
to bloody images, turning and clashing
pictures carved into skull
scenes broken and flashed
time was carved in thirty lines and sliced
folding and crumbling, tumbling
rain from a cloud, rocks from a cliff
to melt to burn to shine ablaze
neath the day’s stoked furnace
rhythms fall away
silence creeps on through nighttime roads
crawling through the streets
and shops and towers
and by the rivers
and in the offices
water recoiled
“it’s been great to see you”
“see you soon!”
dispersed, fallen into rubble
to clinch victory in a moment
to stitch the threads of time together only once
for flames to feed and lick and shine
upon the pebbled beach,
by the lonely lake
where stones sit calm and hard
where trees crash soft and broken
splintered and damp
a sun climbs to its tender knees
lashings of pink and flaming red
eyes burned and dazzled
spirits thrown into the skies
flakes of hair
beating heart
whispers soft and touching skin
written notes, typed-up letters
from hand to hand
sketches black and blue and white
candles glow and crackle soft
light floods through the empty room
lines switched on the bar-grilled screen
light yellow and old and stale, where
the smell decay
the breath decay
the hands decay the feet decay the heart decay
task and objective
hammering tic, spiralling tower
no step to climb, no word to ring
no echo on hushed stoney walls
choking words and choking dreams
choking stars and choking seams
stamp batted flat, dead, quiet
and feet battering on the city floor
morning trains, howls in the tunnel
a bursting seam
a tumbling dream
the motor hand turns fast and blurs
day to night
where talk does not run but collapses
into beads
specks on the spinning, mad canvas
shuffles, slow and tired
crawling in the margin
glints of hope, smothered and crushed on
the ocean depths
to where light never scars
to the crumbling earth
to the rocky shards and
the sprawling turf
faces known and soft, smiles
words, trips to crazed ideas
punched into diaries
scribbles neath the crooning lamp
scribbles in the faintest hour
tears, fears, shuddering
shaking squealing mouse, jumping by the turning blade
disk, tones, notes
holy rivers of sound to rush and turn
through body and spirit, fires lit in the cool dark cave
warmth falls in a holy shower
across the icey plain, and upon the frosted trees
all that was hard and rough
and cold and stuck
runs to warmth
and the glacial earth melts, into ocean life
bleeding soft and warm and tender.
a fiery pulse,
shoots up the ridge of the spine
waves thrown far and wide
the great deep bellows in great force and great tide
the scene has changed.
and time once peeled off the sticky wrapper
days written by on the cellphone screen
laughing and smiles, the simple joy
of being alive
iron strength
of friends, a gang
mornings dazed and
alcohol glaze on the tongue tip
flashing heads, flashing lights
disco rooms and endless
dancing. glorious dancing of
youth, in its twilight glory
was a flame of warmth to
us all who stayed, and
to us all who shuddered
in fierce cold, as
the wondrin’ spark
was snatched and smothered, and
our light turned dark
by the unwinding road
by the silver mist.
pens and keys stroked and tapped
lines drawn in haste
plans spun to waste
i saw the crowd
become an empty room
and for us who loved
and dared to smile
clocks had split
our paths by miles
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