notes on working life just before quitting
And it feels as though the mist is lifting, the lines coming clear on time's sweeping hand. In the morning grasses I crouch Blades of light falling on fresh eyes and music softly breaking against my ear We look like a row of four players in a table football team, faceless senseless clones, falling over at the flick of the occurs to me that the office is maybe the most repressive ugly place since prison and contemplate the generations of millions and billions of people who have spent so much time chopping away at something they didn't want to do. it makes for v depressing reading / thinking, and I ponder it all as I pick up my weetabix and trample to the kitchen for some milk. Crazed tiles reaching out into the distance, the road a river of noise And bathed in a young spring sunlight The places like this, where I end up drifting on and off on the lunch hour - called a 'lunch hour' across the country and probably the world but rarely ever actually a lunch '...