
Showing posts from June, 2015

Polly Toynbee

Can't stand her articles over on The Guardian, not least this... Corbyn is a 1983 man, a relic of the election that brought him to parliament when Labour was destroyed by its out-of-Nato, anti-EU, renationalise-everything suicide note.  The problem with Toynbee's type in the Labour Party is their refusal to answer certain questions or rather, their determination to ignore history's unwritten underbelly: the scraps of black narrative which are out there, only told by those who don't have access to power, access to mass printing and access to capital. On the EU - what is Toynbee to say to the dictatorial TRIOKA, and its attack upon Greece? On NATO - what is Toynbee to say of the United States, like a colossal parasite, staffing its armoury with soldiers from across the world for the purpose of creating a living in Iraq? And renationalisation - what is Toynbee to say of the railways, the universities, the NHS?


Well what a mess Greece finds itself in, and what an utter farce the past 5 years have been - an endless attempt to uphold "European" capitalism at the expense of pretty much everything and anything. The entire thing has been a complete middle-finger to the very idea of democracy - to the very idea that a people should be able to govern themselves. The European Union, in tandem with the IMF, has gnawed the Greek fillet to the bone and in doing so, has plunged Greece only further into an abyss of economic hardship. David Harvey's 2011 video explains why Greece should default, and why any stimulus package should not include any kind of demands over the size of the Greek state. This article over here explains why attempts to prevent a default have been a complete failure. The standard line at the minute goes on like this - Greeks have lived beyond their means over the past 15 years, and so must now suffer the consequences of doing so. This kind of line ignores the rel...

North-South divide

"It's a media myth, there's poverty in London that'd make your eyes bleed. It's convenient, it's bullshit" Ian Brown

The Economist

The above is typical of The Economist. Marx wrote that 'capital comes into the world dripping, from head to foot, in blood and dirt", such is the barbarism used to uphold its existence and ongoing maturity.  The language of The Economist here is to casualise and sterilise this barbarism - in this case, the brutal exploitation of low-wage labour in the 'undeveloped world' by multinational corporations. The entire process is presented as something natural: this type of employment, in 'gruelling' conditions is always being moved around geographically, it's just the way it works but maybe one day, the innovation propelled by the market will swoop in, save the day and ensure that robots, not humans are the ones stitching together the everyday fabrics of the Western world.  The effect is to justify the political laziness of the Western reader: there is a whole other world of suffering out there but it's just the way it is - until the inevitable progress of th...